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Wall & Floor Combinations For Your Home


Renovating your home can be fun and exciting, but can also be stressful. Deciding on what look you want on your floor and then what would complement this on your walls can be a difficult choice to make. With so many options of colours, materials and patterns available, making such decisions can be overwhelming. If you find yourself stuck for ideas within the sea of variety available, then this blog is just for you. If you’re struggling for some creativity or just simply looking for a little inspiration, this blog is the help you need. We have searched through our many tile ranges and have carefully crafted 4 stunning tile combinations from the endless options available that work well and complement each other.

Combination 1

Wall: Zonda

Azulev & Rondine

Floor: Alto, Grey

Azulev & Rondine

There aren’t many colours that are more modern and clean than grey. Zonda in light grey is eye-catching and impressive, while the wood effect grey Alto is warm but stylish. If there was ever a grey combination perfect for the modern home, this is it.

Combination 2

Wall: Venus, Light Brown

Azulev & Rondine

Floor: Chelsea, Light Grey

Azulev & Rondine

At Tile & Stone Gallery, our tiles are of exceptional quality. If you are looking for something a little different why not try this combination. While the light brown venus is traditionally a floor tile it can still be mounted on your walls for a warm and unique look. Paired with the light grey Chelsea floor tiles, this combination is a daring look that will undoubtedly inject light and life into your home.

Combination 3

Wall: Eris, Multicolour

Azulev & Rondine

Floor: Venus/Venus Plus, Dark Brown

Azulev & Rondine

Two natural-looking combinations that work perfectly together. The multicolour brick style Eris and the dark wood effect look of our Venus range work in perfect harmony, creating a welcoming vibe for any visitors to your home.

Combination 4

Wall: Neptune, Cream/Beige

Azulev & Rondine

Floor: Atlas, Cream/Beige

Azulev & Rondine

Light and bright. This combination is ideal for both small homes or larger homes looking to make the most of their space with the lighter colours of Atlas and Neptune.

If you would like more information on any of these combinations, visit your local Tile & Stone Gallery showroom. To find the answers to any questions or if would like to make your dream tile project come to life then please feel free to get in touch or visit one of our showrooms and talk to our staff who will be happy to help. If you’ve finished your project, we would love to see some photos, share them with us on Instagram at @tileandstoneuk.

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